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Adult Programs: Backyard Birding

Adult Program by Dan Buchannan

Dan Buchannan Attorney at Law

6:00 pm TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2016

What species come to Jamestown in the spring? How long will they stay? Is that a crow or a starling on the top my garage? How can I attract birds? What tools do I need? field guides, binoculars, spotting scopes. What plantings attract birds?  Dan will answer these questions and he will have lists from the Birding Drives Dakota website, Christmas bird counts, URLs for other sites to learn about birds, including the ND listserv. He will  have magazines that offer help to attract birds, such as Birds & Blooms.

Over the years Dan has mastered the art and science of birdwatching by watching out his kitchen window and travelling around the country looking for as many species as he can to put in his bird diary.

The library has author Jan Dunlap’s series The Bob White Birder Murder Mystery Series that feature that famous bird detective, Bob White.

Dan’s class will be held in the lower level conference room at Alfred Dickey Library, 105 3rd St. SE, Jamestown, ND, 58401

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